Tidying Up - Your House and Your Financial House

Are you caught up in the wild and productive inspiration of the Tidying Up show? Marie Kondo is sweeping the nation - and inspiring a wave of Spring Cleaning well before the Spring is even here.

I read her book years ago - and got as far as my clothing. But I will say, its 4 years later and my socks are still neatly folded and separated in lovely lined boxes. It will soon be cliche, but it most certainly sparks Joy each time I get dressed. 

Having order, calm, and yes - even reverence - for my clothing is a revelation. I recently did my sewing room (if you are on Instagram, perhaps you followed along in my stories... @tendedwealth). And I have kept it very neat ever since, even after multiple sewing projects have littered the floor. 

What I appreciate the most about her style is this: she wants the discerning / discarding to be the individual's own process. She encourages each person to determine what is relevant, and meaningful, and joyful to them... not to her, not to her staff, not to some external formula or designer's handbook

I have always been passionate about this being at the core of this work that I do. No two clients have the same spending plan. Mine has different categories from theirs, and it looks different from when I first started doing them. Because at the core, a spending plan honors the evolution we all experience - which is inevitable as we change and become more and more aligned with our truer selves. 

The practical work that I facilitate is very much like tidying up a house, only it happens to be the financial house. What I know is this: it is more effective and longer lasting to adjust your spending, increase your savings, accept your current situation when you look at it with a similar kind of discernment.

"What is really enhancing my life? What is sustaining my life? and What is literally draining it?" 

Start here... you may be surprised at how naturally things start to align.

So... in the spirit of tidying up... consider a similar approach to your financial life. If you want support in knowing just where to start with that potentially daunting project, email me and I will help you decide just want that easy next step could be... (sometimes it is just the right book to get you off on the right foot, or just knowing that you aren't alone...)


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