Giving Thanks

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2015

Like many of you, our family will be celebrating a day of giving thanks with (most of) our family and enjoying a bounty of delicious food.

With the swirl of global events I am reminded of the luxury that this is - and how hard it can be to reconcile the plenty we enjoy with the want of so many.  It feels more critical than ever to express gratitude for all that we have, and to find ways to extend this gratitude to those we love, and those we "know" only through media channels.  It is a small way that we can balance all that is challenged: in ourselves and in our global community.  

We are encouraged to give thanks.  That deserves a moment of reflection... in it is a gift, even if we are only expressing our own gratitude.  Yet, how delightful is it when we are thanked?  It is a gift.


Love more.  What you appreciate, appreciates.  Find gratitude in all things, particularly the hard things. These are the areas I am choosing to focus my attention.



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