Financial Maturity -

Uncategorized Apr 25, 2016

In the safety of a conversation with a new or prospective client, the dream I hear most often is simple: "I want to feel like an adult with money".  Their goals also involve getting out of debt, saving more, feeling less ruled by spending impulses, and earning the money they know they could be earning.  Yet at the core, my clients have a deep desire to feel differently in the way they interact with money. To be conscious, clear, and action oriented. It has nothing to do with how "smart" they are - how young they are - how old they are.  It is simply an experience that they are craving.

I am passionate about supporting this growth - how you may have 'been' with money no longer needs to be a secret shame that is carried, coloring decisions, relationships, and opportunities with its dark oppressive cloud. 

You see - if we are not confident in how we are interacting with money, we may unconsciously block more from coming in.  We may hide from opportunity, repeat old patterns, and find ourselves in another cycle of fear - because, well, it is pretty familiar - and therefore safe - even if we want desperately for it to be different.

I am so EXCITED to open my new course designed to develop, strengthen and integrate a new way of being with money. I am going to take the participants on a journey that helps them develop this from the inside out - from inner financial clarity to outward aligned action. Both are critical, and both will be explored, practiced, and implemented over the span of the course.  

Perhaps you have turned away from your finances, or worried obsessively over them - you are so over financial things not shifting in a more positive direction!  

If this is resonating with you at all - I want to encourage you to check out the details of this course.  I would love for you to join us so that you receive the support you need.

I want nothing more than for you to feel Equipped to Thrive in your financial life - imagine the possibilities that will open up with a whole new way of interacting with money!



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