A week of endings & graduations & the importance of spending Plans

Uncategorized Jun 04, 2018

You know when time feels surreal? When you wake up in the day you have anticipated for so long - perhaps with excitement, sadness, or dread. And then there it is. The Day.

Today I woke up and took my oldest daughter to school for the last day of her senior year. I have been preparing myself on many levels - but when it finally arrived, preparation seemed irrelevant. I found myself choking on tears as I turned the corner. I know logically it isn't any real end... she is still living with us, she will still come home this fall, and we leave for a 3 week trip to Europe together in just a couple weeks. But it is an ending.

I took her out for breakfast - something we rarely do. We talked about college, how she wants to approach it, what inspires her. It was dreamy in every way. The me of 10 years ago would have been anxious to spend money this way - fearing it would mean we couldn't buy a tank of gas. It is why I recently added a category in my own spending plan for 'one on one time with the girls'.

That may seem excessively detailed to you - but for me it is what this work is ultimately about: aligning your spending with your highest intention - and ensuring you have the money to spend without any harm. This isn't about being extravagant. It is about being intentional. Consciously guiding your money to what is most important to you.

It is these moments that remind me to stay present. To simply be. We hurry through so much. We worry about so much. I am getting that harsh reminder today - life is short. The time we spend with our loved ones is fleeting. What are you NOT doing today that you will regret a year from now? I am reminding myself to do it. Today. Not next month, not next year. But today. 

Your spending plan holds your intentions in physical form. It is powerful. What is held in your spending plan?


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